Watch ye, stand fast in the faith; be of good courage, and be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13
Men's Ministry is the active search for men to connect them with God, His Word, and other men, with the purpose of winning, developing, and training in Christ the man of God.
He will learn how to apply the Word of God in all areas of life, as well as how to handle life's great temptations and/or crises according to his need and stage of life. The man of God learns to actively share his faith in order to lead others into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
(Acts 1:8; 1st Peter 3:15; Matthew 28:18-20).
He will learn how to apply the Word of God in all areas of life, as well as how to handle life's great temptations and/or crises according to his need and stage of life. The man of God learns to actively share his faith in order to lead others into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
(Acts 1:8; 1st Peter 3:15; Matthew 28:18-20).