
God is moving in a mighty way in our midst. Thank you for being a part of all that He is doing in and through our House these days.

Why we give.

We are pleased to announce that we have a new offering platform to use at Iglesia Cristiana Sanidad Divina. We do not say, "we are going to take the offering". Simply put: God is not a taker. God is a giver. So we give the offering. Here's the truth: there is nothing that you and I have that God needs. God doesn't want to take the offering. God doesn't want to take our money. Because God doesn't need our money. On the other hand, God has let go of everything.

He sent his Son to give us life, breath and freedom. To free us from our chains, from our slavery, from what enslaved us. To free us from death and to life. To give Himself. Then, in response to all that He has done, we say, "God, I want the world to know about Jesus. So I'm going to give in our house. At the end of the day, when I'm in heaven, I'll know that money wasn't lost. That money was earned because it was multiplied over and over again in people's lives." So the prayer is that God will take our hearts today. Capture us today. Awaken us to the fact that He loves us and cares for us. There is nothing we have that He doesn't already have a million times more than we have. And there is nothing we have that didn't come from Him first.

So, we will have this great privilege and ability to respond by joining Him with our time, our energy, our gifts, our opportunities and our money. We have this opportunity to lean into the things that last forever and sew into what God is doing here in this House.

For Jesus!

Ways of Giving

Online Giving

is simple and secure. Whether you want to give a single gift or schedule ongoing donations, you can do it all online using your checking account, credit card or debit card. 

Giving in Person

you can give during our Sunday Service through the envelopes that you will find on the welcome table next to the offering container.